New Theatre Shows – Selling Out Beforehand

Brothers, Angels & Demons - The Promethean - Jan - 2015The new theatre show telling the story behind The Angels, and more, is beginning to move around the country with tickets selling out well before each show arrives.

Aptly titled Brothers, Angels & Demons these shows delve right back to the beginnings of The Moonshine Jug’n’String Band with original members and old cohorts often taking to the stage alongside the all-Brewster cast for a very memorable evening.

The recent performance at The Promethean in Adelaide saw legendary radio announcer David Day come along to fill the role of narrator as the unqiue interactive script captures answers from John & Rick Brewster about the musical heritage of their family, the ‘early days‘ in their home-town and of course the many stories behind the bands that led on to the formation of The Angels.

Original string band member Spencer Tregolan wove his way through the audience with his banjo in hand to add that extra layer of originality to the zany jug band songs which find their way into each and every performance.

There are more shots of the evening on our Photos Page, and keep an eye on this site as more dates come to hand for Brothers, Angels & Demons.

09. February 2015 by blicka
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